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In Jurmala, the number of tourists increased by 59% in the summer months


In the summer months of this year, June, July and August, the number of tourists in Jurmala increased by 59% compared to the same period last year

Jurmala was still the second favorite destination among local and foreign tourists, right after the capital. Out of the total number of Latvian tourists, approximately 8% of local and 15% of foreign tourists chose Jurmala as their summer destination.

The tourism results of the past summer months can be considered successful, the indicators of the number of tourists have approached the data of 2019 before the Covid-19 pandemic, when there were only 1.6% more tourists than in the summer of 2022. Such data is provided by the portal Jurmala.lv.

A trend was noted that tourist flows are becoming larger and tourists travel more often, but stay at the destination for a shorter time. The number of overnight stays compared to the summer months of 2021 has increased by 44%, but compared to 2019 it has decreased by 23%. The average length of stay of one tourist this summer was 2.1 days.

In recent years, it is characteristic that the largest number of tourists has been from the Baltic countries - Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. The number of tourists from Lithuania and Latvia makes up slightly more than 60% of the total number of tourists. Compared to the summer months of 2021, the number of tourists from Estonia (+169.8%) and Lithuania (+105%) increased in the past summer, but there were slightly fewer local tourists, the number of which increased significantly (+85%) compared to 2019. The decrease in the number of local tourists compared to 2021 can be explained by the fact that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of local tourists was unusually high, as residents could travel mainly within the country due to restrictions.

In percentage terms, the largest increase in tourists in the summer months was from Finland, Cyprus, Norway and Great Britain; the large increase in the number of tourists from Cyprus can be explained by the stay of members of sports groups in the city.

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